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Active Disaster Resources — Wildfire

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Butte County – Park Fire – Relief and Recovery Applications

Relief and Recovery Applications Small Business Association Disaster Loan Disaster Loans for Property Owners, Renters, Small Businesses & Nonprofits Disaster Loan Outreach CenterButte College Skyway CenterButte College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 2480 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA 95928 Mon-Fri: 8am-5pm Disaster Loan Outreach Representatives are also available at the Butte County Right of Entry Center…


Butte County – Park Fire – Animal and Pet Resources

Animal Reunification Butte County – North Valley Animal Disaster Group BOTH SMALL AND LARGE ANIMAL SHELTERS ARE CLOSED.  Animals remaining at the Emergency Shelter have been relocated to Northwest SPCA or to Butte Humane Society. If you have not picked your animals up from the emergency shelter, please contact Northwest SPCA or Butte Humane Society…


Butte County – Park Fire – Disaster Case Management

Saint Vincent de Paul is the leading agency in triaging Park Fire Disaster Case Management applications to the agencies providing Disaster Case Management services. There are four local agencies providing Disaster Case Management Services: To enroll in Disaster Case Management services complete the Saint Vincent de Paul Park Fire Intake Form. For assistance completing this…


Butte County – Park Fire – Distribution Centers & Fire Survivor Assistance

Oroville Hope Center Distribution Center Offering the following supplies to individuals affected by the Park Fire: 2620 5th Avenue, Oroville530-538-8398Tues-Fri 9am-2:30pm Individuals can drop in anytime during the above hours. African American Family & Cultural Center Distribution Center Offering: No proof of eligibility is required. 3300 Spencer Ave, Oroville, CA 95966530-532-1205Mon-Fri 9am-6pm California Lifeline* Free Prepaid…


Butte County – Park Fire – Fire Survivor Communications & Information Bulletins

Park Fire Survivor Needs Assessment Survey- Butte 211* Offering a needs assessment survey for Park Fire survivors to complete to identify their needs and to help them get connected to relief and recovery resources. With consent, survey responses will be shared with local community organizations and the County, providing survivor assistance and relief/recovery services. To…


Butte County – Park Fire – Re-Entry, Property Clean Up and Rebuild Information

On November 12, 2024, the Butte County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution setting a deadline of January 15, 2025 for Park Fire and Thompson Fire-impacted residents to enroll in the State Debris Removal Program. Under the County ordinance, all residents whose properties were affected by the recent Park and Thompson Fires are required to…


Butte County – Park Fire – Prescription, Medication & Medical Equipment Replacement

If your medicine, medical supplies, or equipment were lost or damaged in the wildfires, please call your pharmacy or medical supply provider. Let them know you need an early refill or replacement due to the wildfires. Prescriptions & Medications Chico VA Clinic – VA Northern California Health Care System 1601 Concord Avenue, Chico530-879-5000Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:30pm Offering…


Butte County – Park Fire – Emergency Housing & Shelter

Housing* True North Housing Alliance Rapid Rehousing for Park Fire Survivors Provides rapid rehousing and other housing support services to individuals and families who have lost their homes due to the Park Fire. True North also offers Housing Navigation and Housing Deposit support services for eligible Partnership Health Medi-Cal beneficiaries. To qualify for assistance, applicants…


Butte County – Park Fire – Document Replacement and Recovery

United States Postal Service (USPS) USPS offers temporary mail forwarding services available to all: www.usps.com/manage/forward.htm Legal Services of Northern California Provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals and families affected by the Park Fire. LSNC can help with disaster related legal issues including: If you have legal questions as a result of the Park Fire,…


Butte County – Park Fire – Insurance Information and Assistance

California Department of Insurance Provides resources, tips, and actions to help homeowners and businesses who are affected by wildfires. For questions, to file a complaint, or to get the latest insurance-related news, visit: https://bit.ly/3LibqMO or call 1-800-927-4357 (1-800-482-4833 TTY) For more information, Call Department of Insurance 800-927-4357 Mon-Fri or use chat option on website at…


Butte County – Park Fire – Property Structure Damage Map

CalFire and the County have released the Park Fire structure damage map online. Park Fire Structure Damage Status Map: bit.ly/parkfiressm A map of structures that have been damaged or destroyed due to the Park Fire, searchable by address.


Butte County – Park Fire – Mental Health and Emotional Support Services

Butte County Behavioral Health Access Line 24/7 530-891-2810 or 800-334-6622 Offering emotional support and crisis support to anyone seeking assistance. National Disaster Distress HelpLine Call 1-800-985-5990 Text TalkWithUs to 800-985-5990 A disaster or tragedy often brings out strong emotions, such as anxiety, worry and anger, triggering of PTSD, and people may want help in dealing with their feelings….