County: Lake, CA | Incident: |

Resource Type: Cooling Centers, Emergency Alert, Heat Advisory, and Preparedness Information

Lake County – Disaster Information and Emergency Alerts

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office and the Lake County OES Facebook page are the lead agencies for local emergency management.

Disaster information and other county information is regularly updated on Lake County’s OES Facebook page.

Please visit the Lake County Office of Emergency Services website for preparedness information. Go to the LakeCoAlerts website to register for disaster and emergency notifications.

Disaster Relief Services:

Catholic Charities – Provides emergency disaster relief services and supplies. Also provides resources to help with food, shelter and housing. For more information call 707-528-8712 or email:

Salvation Army – Provides food, clothing, and household items. For more information call 707-995-1128.

For Cooling Center information, visit the Lake Co Response webpage.